A MedCV Teaming Partner!


Leadership Development

MedCV Teaming Partner

Dr. Elsie Koh created a phenomenal resource for physician leaders with her company, LEAD Physician. We are extremely impressed with how transparent and genuine Dr. Koh is when sharing her story of her own path in learning to be a leader.

LEAD Physician has assembled an impressive faculty for their leadership development program.

We highly recommend LEAD Physician.

e: info@drelsiekoh.com

w: www.LEADPhysician.org

New York, New York

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“Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.”

- Peter F. Drucker

Elsie Koh, MD MHL is the CEO and founder of LEAD Physician®, an online, virtual leadership program for physicians by physicians to help physicians to live up to their true potential as physicians. Dr. Koh realizes that her initial struggle with leadership is a pervasive problem among the physician community that has not been traditionally or adequately addressed in most training programs. As such, physicians are placed at a disadvantage in being able to lead with influence for the betterment of all stakeholders, mainly the patients. Without leadership skills, many physicians face "burn-out" not knowing how to remove themselves from feeling "stuck" in their current situation or circumstance. Through this program and its outstanding faculty members, physicians should expect to learn how to strategically recreate, focus, and produce the steps necessary to bridge the gap from where they are to where they want to be as leaders in healthcare. Dr. Koh currently serves as Chief Medical Officer of American Endovascular and Amputation Prevention, has held multiple leadership positions from CMIO, Regional Medical Officer, and Medical Director. She believes that all physicians are leaders and have potential that can be easily uncovered with focused assistance and direction.

Meet the Founder

Elsie Koh, MD

Founder & CEO


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MedCV Teaming Partner

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